How to use .NET Core 3 previews in Visual Studio 2019 v16.2.0 ?

Some of you may have already tried .NET Core previews in Visual Studio 2019 in the lastest months. Since Visual Studio 2019 release 16.2.0 something has changed and I will show you what.

I tried to find how to activate previews of .NET Core 3 SDK after installing the latest version of Visual Studio 2019 for 30 min 🙁 because the option has disappeared.

As certainly know you had to go to “Options” -> “Projects and Solutions” -> “.NET Core” and clock on the option to activate .NET Core 3 preview.

In fact Microsoft hasn’t deactivated this option, but has moved it here: “Environment” -> “Preview Features”

Don’t panic and enjoy! 🙂

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Anthony is a specialist in Web technologies (14 years of experience), in particular Microsoft .NET and learns the Cloud Azure platform. He has received twice the Microsoft MVP award and he is also certified Microsoft MCSD and Azure Fundamentals.