Micro ORMs, alternatives to Entity Framework ? Part 8
Performance comparisons
I did some benchmarks, only with Select query.
First benchmark scenario
I used single query that bring back from database 500 rows, here the query:
SELECT TOP 500 [WorkOrderID] AS Id, P.Name AS ProductName, [OrderQty] AS Quantity, [DueDate] AS Date FROM [AdventureWorks2014].[Production].[WorkOrder] AS WO INNER JOIN[Production].[Product] AS P ON P.ProductID = WO.ProductID
Second benchmark scenario
I used a serie of 500 queries that returns 1 row:
SELECT [WorkOrderID] AS Id, P.Name AS ProductName, [OrderQty] AS Quantity, [DueDate] AS Date FROM [AdventureWorks2014].[Production].[WorkOrder] AS WO INNER JOIN[Production].[Product] AS P ON P.ProductID = WO.ProductID WHERE WorkOrderID = @Id
Let’s see what happened….
Most of time Micro Orms are faster than Entity Framework, but less than ADO.NET