How to unit test private methods in .NET Core applications? (even if it’s bad)


Yes it’s bad and dirty!

Since your private methods are only an implementation detail whose existence and behavior is only justified by their use in public methods, then these private methods are automatically tested through public method tests.

In other words, once your public methods are tested, your private methods should be fully covered. If this is not the case, it is either that you have forgotten tests or that your private method does things that are of no use to meet the needs of your public methods. In this case, it is probably necessary to clean them.

“Yes, but my private methods are big and complicated, tests would be very practical Sometimes, we see private methods that are full of stuff or things so complicated, that having tests would still be very practical.”

That is true. We see some.

Even myself I have been I was confronted with this kind of problem:

“Sometimes a bug is located in a private method and I do not want to recreate all the context necessary to call the public method.”

That’s why I’m going to show you how to test them, but do not forget that this should be truly exceptional.

How to?

This is really more simple than you think! we will just use Reflection.

In this example, I will use XUnit and FluentAssertion.

Let’s define a class with a private method:

namespace XUnitAndFluentAssertionDemo
   public class Hello
      private string _firstName { get; set; }
      private string _lastName { get; set; }

      public Hello(string firstName, string lastName)
         _firstName = firstName;
         _lastName = lastName;

      public string HelloMan()
        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_firstName))
        throw new MissingFirstNameException();

        return this.HelloMan(_firstName, _lastName);

      private string HelloMan(string firstName, string lastName)
         return $"Hello {firstName} {lastName} !";


   public class MissingFirstNameException: Exception
      public MissingFirstNameException(): base("FirstName is missing")

Now let’s write the unit test using Reflection:

We will use the well known function Activator.CreateInstance and fetch its methods and properties using Linq, then invoke the method to test with the well known method Invoke:

namespace UnitTests
   public class HelloTests
       public void PrivateHelloManShouldBeWellFormated()
          // Arrange
          var firstName = "John";
          var lastName = "Doe";

          Type type = typeof(Hello);
          var hello = Activator.CreateInstance(type, firstName, lastName);
          MethodInfo method = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)
          .Where(x => x.Name == "HelloMan" && x.IsPrivate)

          var helloMan = (string)method.Invoke(hello, new object [] {firstName, lastName});



Wondering “how to test a private method” should raise an alarm.

You should first find a solution to avoid this, review your code, but often it’s not easy because you maintain very old legacy code or your colleagues are stubborn :).

Anyway, I hope this article would help you.

Good luck 🙂

Written by


Anthony is a specialist in Web technologies (14 years of experience), in particular Microsoft .NET and learns the Cloud Azure platform. He has received twice the Microsoft MVP award and he is also certified Microsoft MCSD and Azure Fundamentals.